
Keri - posted on 9/8/2009
Feel free to drop Josiah off if you ever need to!

Memama - posted on 9/8/2009
Wish I was nearer to be able to help you. Maybe we can find a way to nuke Missouri so I can make it in just a few hours!!

The Dad - posted on 9/9/2009
LOL, Memama, that made me laugh. As nice as that would be, I may know a few people that would get upset.

Memama - posted on 9/9/2009
Some people are way too sensitive!!

Kimmie - posted on 9/9/2009
I'm all for nuking Missouri...every time we have to drive through that state I like it even less.

Tracy - posted on 9/10/2009
I'm about to become a former reader of this blog - I love you guys too! :)

Rachel - posted on 9/10/2009
Well, here's hoping that bed rest will be....restful???

Ferdinand - posted on 9/14/2009
While an intriguing suggestion, I have some serious doubts about the effect nuking Missouri might have on your travel time....

b7woxj5fqv - posted on 11/30/2009
Hi! Ebanij vrot! h4vf22essy ghu7invcwv!

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