
Memama - posted on 10/31/2009
Darling, you should name her whatever name you like. I found a website of Hebrew names and they polled a bunch of women named Nasia and 76% of them said they were glad they were named that and would recommend the name to others. Some pronounced it the way you do and some put the accent on the 2nd syllable.

rachel - posted on 10/31/2009
I can't even do a "no mess" craft when things are normal :) Noah loves making paper airplanes. I don't know if your kids are into that. His usually ends up as a wad of paper but he still throws it around the house for twenty minutes.

The Dad - posted on 11/1/2009
"...but we've realized that for some..." This should be read "but Kim realized..." We both need to agree on the name though. I still hold the theory that there are pro's and con's to all names. :-) Hey Memama, can you remember the site? I didn't fine much on the name at all.

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