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Happy Birthday to Daddy
Today is Philip's birthday and a little 2 year old elf has been very busy this week getting ready! He made mini cupcakes with sprinkles and salt dough creations that we had hidden for this morning. Of course, he immediately told Philip about the cupcakes last night when he came home, so those came out a little early. This morning he helped me make french toast (with sprinkles and a candle, of course) and we sang happy birthday to Daddy. Philip got to unwrap all his salt dough treasures that Josiah had careful packed into a Christmas gift bag (it was the only bag with a train on it) and then we sent Philip off to work to show off his gifts. I'm sure his coworkers will be very jealous. I'm pretty sure no one else has a salt dough snake, ball or star. After Philip left Josiah continued celebrating by running around the house with his toy train and a chicken hat on his head (it's part of Gracie's Halloween costume). We only THOUGHT we knew how to party before we had kids!

Here We Go Again
Oh dear, I think Gracie is getting her first tooth. She went a bit nuts last night and couldn't seem to get her hand out of her mouth and when I went digging around in there I found a hard ridge on her top gum. A little Tylenol helped and I'm hoping the thing will come on in instead of stopping and starting over and over again like Josiah's usually do. I thought I'd have another month or so until we started the teething roller coaster...guess not.
Over the past week I've had 2 different people think I was holding a baby doll while I held Grace. I actually had a man in the hospital ask why I was carrying a doll...and then he realized she was very much alive. Another lady at our church picnic thought the same thing, which makes me wonder why they think a 30 year old woman is walking around holding a baby doll. Oh well.
We're off to play at Palisades State Park this morning. Several of my friends have joined forces to come up with fun kid activities/crafts to do each week, especially as it gets colder and we all start going insane in our houses. This is the first week and our theme was fall and leaves. Josiah painted a fall tree that we have framed in the kitchen and now we're off to explore the woods and river front. Should be fun and messy!
PS This is a picture on the hay ride from the picnic. Josiah had decided to skip his nap (again) this day, so by the end of the ride he was sound asleep on Philip's lap.


She's Back!
Our van has been very sick lately and we've been down to just one small car for the past 2 weeks. I have much more appreciation for my friends who do this all the time, but I have no idea how to make it work for us long term. With Philip working a half hour from the house there was no sharing the car, so either he had to find a ride with friends or we stayed put for the day (and thankfully the kids didn't get sick during this time). I am so thankful to have my van back...dirt and all!

This has to be a short post...I'm wearing a really fun fuzzy sweater that has fuzzed the diaper bag, Gracie's mouth, Philip's pants that are hanging on my chair waiting to be ironed, and who knows what else. Our house is starting to look like we own a dog. This thing has to go!


Earning Their Keep
Ok, these kids have been getting a free ride for long's time they started helping out around here! Money always seems to be getting tighter (it would help if the AC, car and various other expensive things would stop breaking) so we put them to work this afternoon. Josiah hopped on the mower with Philip and Gracie helped me pick tomatoes.

They both did very well, although their work ethic leaves a lot to be desired (yes, that's Josiah asleep on the mower). Josiah loved being on the 'tactor' and Grace ate her first solid food...tomato leaves.


Gracie is 4 months old today. That doesn't sound very old, but it seems like she's been here forever and must be bigger than that. So in honor of her 4 month birthday, here are some favorites:
Food: milk
Toy: her hands
Song: You are my sunshine
Past time: being talked/sung to
New Trick: rolling onto her tummy and getting stuck
And least favorites: Sleeping through the night and being in her car seat


I can't count how many times a day I hear this, mainly because Josiah wants me to play with him. I love my little boy and I love playing with him, but my attention span is really short when we're talking about legos, toy trains, play doh and reading the SAME 2 BOOKS 4 MILLION TIMES A DAY. I try to focus, but my mind wanders to what needs to be done and what I'd really rather be doing. So, the obvious solution to our problem would be to find toys Josiah can play with alone. But guess what? There aren't any! I cruised the toy aisle recently looking for ideas and found that they are only made for younger or older ages. There are almost no toys made for 2 year olds. About the only toys made for him are blocks (which he actually does usually need help with because he wants to make bigger things than he can figure out) and silly electronic stuff that really doesn't do anything except beep and light up (totally doesn't keep his attention anyway). Aren't there any age appropriate toys that would keep his attention so I wouldn't have to play with him all the time?

Ok, enough whining. By the way, Philip is finally doing better. The fever broke last night and he's looking like himself again today. I think he'll be going back to work tomorrow...probably to escape the play doh and trains and legos...


Lazy Monday
Philip had worked hard to do all my 'Monday chores' before I got home this weekend so I could have an easy start to the week...floors vacuumed and mopped, laundry done, sheets washed, counters cleaned, bathrooms cleaned. Our big endeavor for today was supposed to be adjusting Grace's schedule and dealing with the inevitable fussiness. Well, Grace has done great on the new schedule (so far), but this wasn't exactly a slow day. Philip woke up very sick in the middle of the night and pretty much stayed that way all day. Josiah tried to help by giving his Daddy shots and kissing his tummy, but that didn't seem to work. When his fever wouldn't go down and he agreed I should call the doctor I knew it was getting pretty bad. So all 4 of us loaded up and took him in during what should have been the kids nap time (once again, the DVD player saved the day!) only to be told he might have appendicitis. I dropped Josiah off at a friends house and we headed over to the hospital for a CAT scan and blood work. Thankfully, he's just got a really bad case of the flu. While we're thankful he didn't end up in surgery today, he's still not feeling any better and is just praying for sleep at this point. So much for a lazy Monday.

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