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Two Weeks Alone
Well, Kimmie and Josiah made it to Grandmama's house just fine. I have started my two weeks in isolation with little problems. :-) I am hoping to get some of the video from our Florida vacation processed and put up on the web for everyone to enjoy. Until then I thought I would put up a fun little picture taken just before Kim and Josiah left.

We spend an evening down at the splash pad (kiddy pool) in Lisbon. Josiah enjoyed walking in the pool as well as crawling around it. I figure I will get in trouble for this picture when he gets into high school, but until then... ENJOY!

Oh, before I forget. I also added a link under Josiah's image on the left. It takes you to a page with all the past images that have had the privileged front-page spot. It is interesting to see how he has changed!

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On the Road Again
Josiah and I will be heading to Grandmama's in about an hour to visit family for a couple of weeks. We're excited to see everyone and sad that Philip will be staying here. I think he's planning to play with power tools and see lots of sci-fi movies while we're gone. We will be showing off Josiah's new standing skills. He's getting pretty steady on his feet and seems to want to walk. It should be a fun time...we'll send pictures soon.

Josiah 101
The little guy has changed a lot lately so I figured it was time for new "favorites..."

Food--bananas (He starts wiggling like crazy when we pass them in the grocery store. We have a 3 o'clock banana each day as we watch Rachael Ray)

Book--Goodnight Moon

Toy--balls, pots and pans

New Skill--crawling, swimming, clapping his hands, making 6 poopy diapers in one day


Game--rolling on the floor with Daddy and Mama

He stood up last week, but thankfully hasn't made attempts to walk yet. We've been trying to start him on sign language for the last couple of months and so far no luck, but we're keeping with it. We've had our first timeout for trying to eat the toy basket and pushing buttons on the TV. And I've been noticing a disturbing trend lately...when he's happy he says 'dadadada' and when he's upset it's 'mamamama.' Hmmmm.


Tanned and Happy
We made it home late Friday night and have been trying to get unpacked and rested up before life returns to normal tomorrow. We had a great vacation and are looking forward to sharing some pictures from it soon. After our week in St. Augustine we headed down to Orlando to meet up with Philip's family and spent the week swimming and seeing the sights. We went to Discovery Cove and swam with sting rays and dolphins, saw Shamu at Sea World, watched the rocket launch and toured Kennedy Space Center. It was a full week and I'm sure we logged a couple hundred miles of walking (Ok, maybe that's slightly exaggerated). Josiah has very tanned toes because everything but those were covered in his stroller while we were out. He was awesome during the trip and did very well on the airplane. He is going to miss all the attention he got with so much family around. He always seemed to have a cousin willing to play with him which was fun to see.

We came home to a garden full of plants about 4 times the size they were when we left and a few million weeds. Philip has killed many of them but it will take a couple weeks to get them under control. We also realized how much more mobile Josiah has become since we left. He had just gotten the hang of crawling before we left and now he can move pretty quickly and is pulling up to his knees. The baby gates went up today and I've been walking around the house trying to get stuff put away that he can hurt himself on. Just about the time I think I've got him figured out and I'm comfortable with our schedule he seems to change and make me start all over again. Here we go!


Alligators Everywhere
We've been in St. Augustine (FL) for 3 days having fun walking around downtown, touring the Alligator Farm and the Lighthouse, swimming in the pool and eating lots of yummy food. Josiah got to swim for the first time (in a pool) and seemed to love it. We're going to try out the ocean soon. So far it's been a relaxing, fun time and we're taking lots of pictures to share with everyone when we get home (many of which will show up here when we get the chance). Hope you all are having a great summer too!

Mobile Madness
Well, Kimmie was out enjoying a "girls night out" with some of the women from Church. This meant that Josiah and I had the joy of a "boys night in!" What is that saying about mice when the cat's away??

Since we had some free time on our hands, I thought we should use some it to post a few new videos. Besides, Josiah has been busy and would like to show you all his new tricks... I mean skills. :-)

The first video is Josiah sitting up and playing with Kimmie. The second video is an instruction video on how to eat an ice cube. The last video was just filmed today. You will have to watch it to find out what treasures it holds.

Since you are here anyway, go ahead and post a comment or two about your favorite. We like to know you are all still out there and enjoying these. Besides they will be fun for Josiah to look back on when he is older. Who knows, they may show up again at a graduation or a wedding. You never know!


Yoga Baby
Josiah is getting better at crawling every day and will take off very soon. He can make it forward a few inches (in an army crawl) and is great at moving backwards. He's also awesome at yoga. He does the downward facing dog move all the time and can balance on only one foot. I'm not sure what he thinks he's doing, but it's funny to watch.

Philip is out of town this week so it's just Josiah and I. It's a strange feeling to not have anyone come home in the evenings and I'm glad he'll be back soon.

We've been continuing to work in the garden and finally have everything planted. We're hoping our peppers and tomatoes make it. We started them from seed and they sure are tiny still. My blueberry bushes had blooms on them so we're hoping they produce this year and the raspberries and strawberries are looking good. I even got to eat a few strawberries last night. Yum!

Philip and Josiah came to cheer me on last weekend as I ran a 5K in Marion. I sure wasn't the fastest, but none of the walkers beat me so I was happy. A lady with a running stroller did however. She was obviously used to running with it (they aren't easy, let me tell you), but what really impressed me was when I passed a dirty diaper near the end of the race. Anyone who can run while changing a diaper is pretty amazing! :)

Let's see...I'm trying to think if Josiah has done anything new lately. He has started the somewhat embarrassing habit of "looking" for his meals. He starts attacking my shirt very impatiently and just refuses to stop. If he keeps this up we'll be weaning very soon. He did get one of his top teeth last weekend and the other doesn't look too far behind. He can actually take bites out of bananas now.

Guess that's about it for now. I better finish lunch before he wakes up.


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