
Grandmama - posted on 4/26/2007
Such a cooperative little fella to open his mouth and show his new teeth off for the camera! How long did it take to get that shot?

The Dad - posted on 4/26/2007
Not too long actually. Everytime the end (lens) of the camera gets any where close he tries to eat it. From there it is just a matter of getting the hands out of the way. :-)

Nanny - posted on 4/27/2007
When he makes it difficult for Mommie you know it is painful for him. Now the next trick is teaching him what he can and cannot use those teeth on.

The Dad - posted on 4/27/2007
Yeah, feeding him is a little more challenging now. He has learned to bite the spoon and you can't get it out of his mouth. Of course then he looks at you funny because you left the spoon in his mouth. Hum... the things we forgot we had to learn. :-)

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