Personally, I got to the point where I asked, "do you really want to know, or do you want me to lie to you." Not the most demure answer, but it got my point across. I don't think you should have to lie to people - not to sound crass, but if they don't want to know the truth, they shouldn't ask. (don't I sound hateful today? this was one of my pet peeves when I was pregnant)
Ah, that awkward silence when people get the truth they weren't expecting... :) Hey, if they ask, I would politely give them the truth. Keep it real!
I would go for the truth. That is an annoying question, ranks up there with people asking me how soon my baby was due and I was 7 months along!
I think "blessed" works. Even though you feel like you've been rode hard and put up wet, your life is still very blessed.
Of course, some days you have to let people know that, while you feel blessed, the wet horse feeling is overcoming the blessed feeling.
Rode hard and put up wet...that is a phrase I have not heard in while (since I was in Texas). I very often tell people that I feel completely gross. but then I admit, sometimes I do lie...
I've been pretty honest with people but sometimes, especially when they get that confused look on their face, I feel guilty. Kind of like I'm crashing their party or something. Now I tell people that I'm getting excited to meet my kid and I'm more than ready to be done with the expanding stomach of doom thing.
I have noticed an interesting aspect of can wear the most horrid clothes and everyone still thinks you look great. I laugh all the time!