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I Will Obey!
In an effort to reinforce the importance of obedience our theme for family night this week was 'obeying.' We played the 'obey game' and had a lot of fun. For those of you who haven't played it with us, each of us have turns being told to do some task (hug Mama, bounce a ball, smell the TV, whatever) and you have to respond "I will obey!" and go do it. It's really simple, but the kids love it and it gives us a chance to review some of the Bible verses about obeying God and your parents. Our last task is always to go eat dessert, which happened to be purple muffins that were requested by Josiah because of a Dr. Seuss book. I apparently didn't mix the food coloring in well enough because Philip ended up with BLUE teeth and tongue! We were laughing at him so hard it was difficult to eat. :)

I also just tried the first big shopping trip with all 3 kids. The only store I can actually attempt this in is Walmart because they have those enormous carts with extra seating for kids. We did pretty well, even with an emergency potty trip at the end. It got a little tricky when I realized I'd packed so many groceries around Kasia that I almost couldn't get her car seat out of the basket and Josiah is wiggling trying to hold it and Grace is threatening to bolt in the opposite direction. I made it out with all the groceries, all the kids, everyone in dry pants and no major meltdowns...not bad.


Everything But The Kitchen Sink
As I searched Josiah's bed for his sippy cup I found
a golf ball,
a giraffe,
a lamb,
a penguin,
2 dogs,
3 trains,
a tiger,, 4 dinosaurs,
a giant purple pillow,
a fire truck,
Pooh Bear,
a library book and
a coloring book.
And this bed belongs to the same child that tells me he has nothing to play with when he wakes up early from nap time!


This Little Piggy...
...grunts ALL NIGHT LONG. Our sweet little girl is already making a name for herself because she's so loud. While all the other babies at church quietly eat or sleep, ours grunts (while eating, sleeping or doing anything else for that matter) so loudly that people laugh. That might get a little annoying, but we could handle it. What's getting more challenging is the grunting at night. As a very light sleeper I hear every grunt and groan and have resorted to sleeping with an ear plug and a pillow over my head all night. Let's hope this is a (short) phase.

Philip is heading back to work today for the first time this week. He still feels pretty rotten, but the fever is gone and his work is piling up. Grace still has a fever, but seems to be doing pretty well. So far the rest of us have avoided getting sick.


We made it through our first week back to 'normal' pretty well and were looking forward to a relaxing weekend...that was not to be. Philip's cold turned into a sinus infection and strep and he's been quarantined to the bed or one corner of the couch for the past 3 days while I walk around disinfecting anything that doesn't move...and a couple things that do. So far the rest of us have escaped his cooties and we're praying he feels better soon. He's very rarely so sick that he just sleeps all day and we're all missing him (the kids don't understand why Daddy is home and won't play).

On the brighter side, I've learned how to fill the wood burner, Kasia slept for 4 and a half hour straight last night, the older kids haven't woken up at night all week and it might be warm enough tomorrow for some of this snow to melt!


As I was cleaning Grace up after breakfast this morning I hear Josiah exclaim, "Mama, look! I can nose spit!"

This job is not nearly as glamorous as the pictures in those parenting magazines would lead you to believe.


No Resolutions
While the rest of the world is making resolutions we are just trying to find our new normal...that will be enough of a challenge. Philip returned to work today and I'm surviving my first day alone with all 3 kids. It's been interesting. I had intended to take it slow this week and ease into our routine and then got the reminder call that Grace had a doctors appointment so on our first morning alone I got to take all of them out in -3 degree weather. We did surprisingly one got left or developed frostbite! The rest of the morning we managed to make a dent in our regular cleaning, play with Grace's plastic food, work out, read books, run some errands and still get down for nap on time. I'm going to count this as a successful day, regardless of how the afternoon goes!

Okay, a Dad hijacking here. This was taken on Saturday but is too funny not to put up. I am sure it will be suitable for this day before it is done. Enjoy snoozing Gracie style. Now that you are done take enjoying that gem, try your hand at identifying the baby(s) to the right. :-)


'Could We Start Over?'
Kasia had her 2 week check up and is doing great. She's still slightly yellow, but now it just looks more like a tan. She's up to 19.5 inches and 6 pounds 10 ounces and is in the 20th-50th percentile on all the charts (yeah!). We started her on a schedule today and so far she's done pretty well. I'm hoping to start working out again soon, but with the older kids' schedule that means getting up at 5:30 each morning...not so much looking forward to that part of it.

Josiah is finally old enough to really participate in the holidays this year so we had a toddler New Year party tonight. We had a picnic in the living room with a platter full of finger foods and huge parfaits and did 'kid interviews' during dinner for the scrapbook. We set several alarm clocks to go off about the time we finished dinner and told the kids it was time to party when we heard the bells. We got out our party hats, noise makers, confetti balloons and musical instruments and had a parade around the house until bath time. It really was a lot of fun and as Josiah was being tucked into bed he said, "Today was a lot of fun...could we start over?"

Some of the interview answers from tonight...

Favorite toys: 'Harvey the train that certainly does not stay on the tracks very well' (J) and the animals in her Hello Kitty purse (G)

Favorite food: yogurt (J), cookies (G)

Favorite friend: Ryan and Jake (J), Josiah (G)

What do you want to be when you grow up? 'A race car driver' (J), 'An apple' (G)

If you could change your name, what would you choose? Ellie (J), 'Boy' (G)

For the more curious of our readers, here is a short video from the end of dinner and part of the festivities afterward.


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