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Check Ups
BG and Grace both had check ups this week and both are doing great. We had a second ultrasound just to be safe after all the complications in Grace's pregnancy and so far everything looks normal. We got some amazingly clear 3D pictures, especially for how young he is and Josiah got his own copy that he has hung on his closet door.

Grace went in today for her 1 year appointment and didn't really enjoy it. I can't say I blame shot, one blood test and one strep swab and she'd had enough and so had Josiah and I. She's had morning fevers for over a month now and we're running a few tests to see if anything shows up. She's otherwise very healthy so we're not really concerned, but it's still a little weird. We never did get enough blood drawn for a full test, but I thought she'd had enough and stopped it for today. We also get to go through the whole urine sample collection process again...I know, you're all jealous you don't get to do this. Not everyone's life can be this cool. After all that I decided we needed a break and headed over to the coffee shop to get a cookie for the kids and a steamer for me.

So, for a 1st year update, here are some favorites and stats:

Food: spicy beans, cottage cheese, cantaloupe, any sweet baked good (especially if it has icing)
Game: pulling things out of cabinets, getting muddy, wrestling, singing to her books, tearing paper
Book: The Farm Book
Words: 'Ah Duh' (all done), Hi Ya!, Dada
Toys: a fuzz ball that giggles, anything that Josiah's playing with
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 18bs 2oz


Just Lick It!
Yesterday was just one of those rare, perfect days. Summer is here (yeah for sun and hot weather!), we spent the morning at the city-wide garage sales and got some great stuff (I'm excited about my new J Crew sweater), had Subways and ice cream cones to celebrate Josiah filling up his 'manners' jar, did some yard work and ended it all with a date. It doesn't get much better. One of the highlights was definitely watching Philip try to teach Josiah how to eat an ice cream cone. It was melting fast and Josiah is truly his father's son...he's thorough, but not speedy. While he contemplated if it was better to lick, bite or slurp his desert, both of them got covered in sugar. But Josiah loved it and thought it was worth all his hard work. Grace, by the way, wasted no time in attacking my cone and did some serious damage.
Since we start 2nd trimester this week we figured it was about time for a bump picture, so here goes. It doesn't look so big in the picture, but it feels huge to me.


A few months ago I asked (OK, practically demanded) that Philip and I find a way to get away for at least one night without kids before the baby came. I honestly was only expecting one night and I had even said I didn't mind if we came back to our own house...just as long as we got a break before #3 came. Due to some scheduling conflicts and the awesomeness of my husband and in-laws we just got word that we have a deluxe suite booked for 4 DAYS AND 3 NIGHTS in downtown Chicago. I almost cried when Philip told me. I can't even imagine having that much time off. I'm excited to go to Chicago, but I'm really tempted to just sit in our hotel room and do nothing...except during nap time...just because I can. I'm already dreaming of staying up past 9pm and sleeping in WAY past dawn and eating multiple meals without anyone flinging milk across the room. Actually, I won't care if someone flings milk because I won't have to clean it up. I know I should probably be dreaming a little bigger than this, but sometimes it's the small weird things that make me happy. Thank You!

Big Boy Time
As one of our friends puts it, 'Our kids may beat him at sports, but Josiah will be tutoring all of them.' He definitely has verbal and academic strengths and he's incredibly interested in learning to read and learning...well, pretty much anything. We've run into a snag though lately. Grace has the ability to bulldoze or eat pretty much anything that involves books and I just don't seem to have the energy to figure out how to keep him challenged and her still. The resulting frustration and power struggles were getting pretty ugly so Philip suggested we try something new this week. We've hired a neighborhood girl to come play with Grace for a couple hours a week while Josiah and I hide in another room and bring out all the books, markers, construction paper, glue and random art supplies we can fit into the 'Big Boy' hour. We had our first session this morning and it seemed to go pretty well. We restarted our Hook on Phonics book and worked through part of our 'How to Make Monsters' book. It was great to get to spend one on one time with the little guy and be totally focused on just him and I've been amazed how much smoother the rest of the day has gone. Maybe we're on to something here.

Fish Noses and Dead Bubbles
We took a picnic over to the Coralville Reservoir this afternoon because we thought Josiah might really like seeing the dam, totally forgetting that this was (obviously) part of the area that had been flooded last year. Most of it is actually looking pretty good, considering how badly it was trashed a year ago this week. I was sad to see my fossil gorge looking a little worse for wear, but the dam was fine and the boys loved it. As Philip was trying to explain why the water was all white as it came through the dam Josiah stopped him to say that he knew is was because of all the fish noses. We're not totally sure what he meant by this, but it made perfect sense to him. As we got ready for our picnic Josiah noticed a few bird droppings on the far end of the table and declared that those must be dead bubbles. We decided not to correct him since that sounded a lot better than bird poop. His interpretation of the world around him never fails to amaze me.

Family Night
We recently started up Wednesday Family Nights here and we just had the best one so far. We decided each night would have a small Bible lesson, a game or activity and dessert. Tonight was Josiah's Nature Hunt and Philip pulled the 3 of us around in the trailer behind his lawn mower and Josiah had to tell him where to go to find each of his items. We zoomed around finding flowers, gardens, birds and grass and reading the verse that went along with each. But the best one, by far, was when we headed down to the neighbor's farm to see his sheep. Justin happened to be sheering them and invited us in to watch. Josiah wasn't nearly as fascinated with the sheering as he was that sheep have 'funny looking' parts. Then we headed back up to the house to have our ice cream sundaes. After a day in which Philip felt his head would explode because of a cold and I thought mine would because of a day spent with an almost-3 year old, this was a much needed dose of fun. I think Family Nights are here to stay.


Hallelujah, There's Only One!
We had our first OB visit today and it turns out my weird feeling about how many kiddos might be in there was just that..a weird feeling. There is only 1 little dude or dudess sucking it's thumb and I am beyond relieved to be wrong. We get to go back in a couple weeks for another ultrasound, but just to check and make sure everything still looks normal (just being careful after the drama of Grace's pregnancy). If everything looks good we should be back to normal visits from there on out. We did have some wonderful friends offer to watch Josiah for us during the appointment (thank you Chris and Jen!), which helped a lot. Grace is a bit of a handful right now and kept Philip plenty busy. Her favorite new game is to rip apart the paper apron I have to wear at the doc's office. Those things aren't exactly modest to begin with and major holes made by your 1 year old don't help. In other Gracie news, she started walking yesterday. She can only do it between Philip and me, but it might not be long now!

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