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No More Sucking In
Well, the belly is definitely out there. I've noticed it's tough to hug Philip anymore and I keep getting stuck when I try to fit through small spaces. Shem doesn't 'suck in' so well anymore. He's about a pound and a half and a little over a foot long now. He feels a lot bigger than that by the end of the day. The little kids at church think the additional padding is great when they sit in my lap...sort of like a pillow. Unfortunately Shem didn't like it so well and kept kicking me to let me know. I had to explain that they were sitting on my son and had to get up.

We had a doctor visit today and we're doing fine. Apparently the daily walking is paying off because the nurse said my heart beat was nice and slow. Sure hope the exercise helps in 3 months! We got to hear Shem's heart again today and it's a lot louder than the last time. He doesn't sit still for long (ever) so the doctor had to keep chasing him around my belly to hear the heart beat. I'll have a test for gestational diabetes in 3 weeks when we go back. I get to drink something that must be total sugar. They kept warning me that it was pretty stout and tasted a lot better cold. I think the doctor was feeling a little useless because there wasn't much he could do for me this time. I feel great most of the time and have kind of gotten used to the few aches and pains. My one request was that he make Shem stop jumping on my bladder and, unfortunately, he couldn't do anything about that.

The nursery is slowly coming along. I'm taking a few pictures as I work on it and hopefully next week I'll get to start working on some details. I have almost all the hills painted, which are the background. I really want to get it done so we can get the crib assembled and go ahead and order the dresser. I've been doing some writing for a company that makes tests and those jobs should pay for the dresser and rocker when I get them finished.

We're trying to settle on a name, but it gets tough when you have to really pick just one. I'm starting to feel like we really need to get him named and get the room ready because were about to hit the 100 day mark. That sounds like so little time!


Here Come the Hormones
I think I've figured out what "pregnancy hormones" are. No one has ever accused me of having a dry eye, but this is getting a little ridiculous. In the past week I've cried over just about everything and catch myself wondering what on earth is going on because I'm not upset but can't make it stop. Hopefully this doesn't last long.

Shem's kicks no longer feel like little flutters, in fact they are strong enough to make my stomach visibly jump. THAT is a really weird thing to see! Guess he must be doing ok if he can kick like that.

Kelly asked what the mural would be. Mom and I found a book with really cool illustrations a couple years ago and I'm using bits and pieces of the artists work from that book and others she's done. Her name is Alison Jay. I'll be putting together several of her country scenes to go around 2 of the walls in the nursery. I haven't let myself start it yet because I have some things I need to finish around here first, but I'm hoping by Sunday I can start penciling it on the walls. I'd like to get a good start on it before Philip comes back home (he's in Nevada for 2 weeks...yuck).


The Bump
Shem hasn't done much this week except grow eyebrows (I'm told). He's continuing to slowly move up my abdomen, which is making yard work a little tough. Spring has finally started up here and the dandelions are threatening to take over the yard...unfortunately Shem doesn't seem to like me to bend down to weed the beds so a lot of the work is being left to Philip. As busy as he's been at work lately, I think we may just have to face the fact that we'll have a yellow yard this year. I've been suprised how many things I can't do anymore because of seems like almost everything either includes chemicals or lifting heavy stuff.

Philip finished the shelves in the garage and it's really starting to shape up out there. After playing musical rooms to make room for the nursery the house looked like one of those tornadoes had actually hit us last week. I almost have it all put away again and I'm hoping to start the mural this weekend.

Guess that's about it for now!


Life as a Jelly Bean
I've decided I'm shaped like a jelly bean...guess there are worse things to be shaped like. Shem has moved up some and it's pretty obvious that he's there now. I had been warned that as soon as you show people seem to think it's ok to pat your belly and it happened yesterday at church. It's kind of strange, but I have noticed people seem to be acting a little nicer too. Oh, and Philip can finally feel him kicking!

I had a great time at home last week with Mama. She got me a bunch of maternity clothes and I especially enjoyed being able to wear the summer stuff (we're still several weeks away from that kind of weather in Iowa). Philip suprised me by doing a ton of work on the house while I was gone, even though he was doing overtime at work at the same time. He got the nursery all painted and de-fumed and insulated, dry walled, and painted the garage. We had started to realize we really needed to finish the garage so we could have some storage out there, but I had no idea he planned to do it all while I was gone. His buddies from church came over and helped quite a bit, but he was still exhausted by the time I got home. He did an excellent job...I'm totally blown away by how professional it looks, especially since he's never done most of this stuff before. After sleeping most of this weekend he's starting to look like himself again. Once I clean up the mess I made with my luggage (it seemed to explode) I'll start working on the mural in the nursery. Hopefully it will look as good as P's work.

Since we've been apart for a bit and Philip has been so busy we really haven't had time to talk about baby names much. We've got a short list going and like Cason and Josiah so far. That might change by next week, just have to wait and see. Mimi is making a list of names she likes, but since it includes Bubba and Thedford I'm not sure we'll pick the name from her list!


It's a Boy
We had our ultrasound today and found out Shem is a boy! After being a twerp for a bit and refusing to show us what we wanted to see he gave a view that left nothing to the imagination! The doctor said he looks very healthy and is right on track developmentally. It was really cool to see his heart beating because you could see all 4 chambers going and we saw his kidneys and bladder and spine up close. He jumped around a bit for us (I could have told them he was doing that) and kept waving his arms around. They tried to show us his face with the 4D technology, but he's still so little that it's pretty hard to decipher much in that picture (it actually looks a lot like a blob of play dough). We did get a couple good profiles though. They said he weighs about the same as a can of Coke right now and he should be going through another growth spurt here soon.

Today is the half way point...that's really cool and a little scary too. Even though I feel like a whale some days, I haven't actually gained much. I suppose that will be changing here soon as Shem starts filling out.

As far as a name, we're a little stumped for right now. We had a girl name all picked out, but haven't decided on one for a boy. We have a list going and thankfully have awhile before we have to decide.

Well, that's about it for today. It was really neat to see Shem and try to imagine what he'll be like when we get to hold him. It's a very surreal feeling to see him swimming around inside me. God is good!

For those of you that would like to see the rest of the ultrasound pictures we have then online in our photo album. Follow the LINK and check them out.


Week 19
Don't really have much to add right now, but we took another bump picture. Things are going really well and we're looking forward to hitting the half way mark here pretty soon!

He's Doing The Cancan In There!
There's no maybe about it anymore, he's an active one! I can feel him pretty much every day now and not just when I'm laying down. It's really strange to be blow drying your hair and suddenly get kicked in the side. Philip is looking forward to being able to feel them too...not really sure when that'll happen.

I've been trying to find some maternity clothes this week and am learning it's a challenge. They all seem to be either HUGE or way too small for a pregnant person. Thankfully a girl from church loaned me a couple jeans...they've gotten me through the last month and buy me some time until I grow into the 'tent size' clothes. I figure that'll be coming soon as Shem should be moving up towards my belly button in the next couple weeks because he's getting too big to hide. I'm a little scared to see what happens to me when he starts growing, but really looking forward to it too.


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