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He's a Kicker
I'm pretty sure I felt him kickin' around in there this morning (I think Shem is a boy). I thought maybe I had felt something last week, but this was a little harder. If I lay really still every once in awhile I can feel something, but it's still pretty faint.

I've been sewing some maternity clothes this week and they're actually looking like they're supposed to! After my last project, which eventually ended up in the trash, I wasn't sure I had the patience to make these. They're still too big, but it's not warm enough to wear them here yet anyway.

The bump is pushing out a little more, although no one besides Philip and me can seem to see it. If one more person tells me I'm not showing yet I might scream. It's so obvious to me and bugs me a little that other people think my belly usually sticks out like this. Oh well.


The Takeover Has Begun
Have you ever noticed how every room in the houses of people with kids seem to be littered with toys and kid stuff? I think it's started in our house. On top of the array of magazines, books and ideas for the nursery we now have the bassinet and crib (both arrived this week). Our house doesn't look like we decorated out of the Playskool catalog yet, but the little signs are starting to show up.

Actually it's been very fun having the furniture show up (thanks Mama!) because it makes this seem more real. I've had fun looking at all the pieces and I'm very grateful Philip is an engineer because we're going to need one to get all this stuff put together.

Tomorrow is the beginning of week 16 and the baby should be going through a growth spurt here pretty soon. I can tell it's started and I don't think it'll be too long before it's obvious to other people as well. I haven't felt the little guy yet, but the doctor said that might start to happen in the next couple weeks.

The crib was accidentally delivered to our neighbor's house. He called to say he was pretty sure he had something of mine . I understood the relieved sound in his voice when he said he orginally thought his wife was trying to tell him something.


We had a check up today and it was pretty interesting! Mostly just basic stuff, but then we got to hear the heartbeat again. Thankfully this time we could use a mic that just sat on my belly. We heard Shem's heart, but we also heard all the racket he/she was making in there. Every time there's movement the sound waves get staticky and the doctor kept telling us when the baby would kick or turn around.

Philip taped part of the visit and is working on getting it in a format he can put on the blog. The doctor said I should start feeling some of Shem's gymnastics in the next 3 weeks or so...that'll be weird. Everything looks good and we're right on track. The ultrasound is scheduled for March 29th and we're looking forward to that.

An mp3 (audio) file of the heart beat can be listened to or downloaded Here (audio).

The video is up as well and can be watched or downloaded from Here (video).


Good Days
I don't want to jinx something, but we've been having several really good days here lately. In fact we were even able to go out for Chinese food today...I've been waiting for this date for months. Even though I knew it would make me sick before I was craving it. I still have to be careful to eat every few hours, but most of the time I can avoid getting sick if I pay attention to the time.

We had a good visit with Mom and Dad Dean this weekend. They took the guest bed back with them so we could start working on the nursery. It will be neat when we start getting baby stuff in the room.

As promised we took a picture of the bump. I'm pretty sure it's bigger, but when I look at the pictures it just looks like I ate too much for lunch. Philip is working on getting the picture posted so it should be up soon.


A Perk
I've found the first real perk to being pregnant! Yesterday I was able to tell the dentist, with great joy, that I could not do the usual round of xrays. Ok, I admit, it's not a huge thing, but I really don't like doing those things. Since my next visit happens a few weeks before the kiddo is to arrive I get out of them again in 6 months! Yea.

On the downside, being pregnant makes your gums way more sensitive and tender. The hygienist said all she had to do was get close to my gums and they started gushing. Sure am glad that's not my job.

Speaking of Shem Deanie, we should have eyelashes, a little hair, a few muscles, and even the ability to start making faces. I wonder how long it'll be before Shem can stick his/her tongue out? Shem is in a growth spurt, which is becoming very obvious to me (not to most people yet) and should be about 6 inches long by the end of the 4th month. We'll probably take another "bump" photo this weekend (Mimi says it looks like a little sparrow's kneecap).

By the way, we have an appointment next week to get checked out, but we have to wait another month before we get to know if it's a He-Deanie or She-Deanie. Bummer.


We Made It!
We are officially 2nd-trimesterers! Although little Shem-Deanie wouldn't do too well on his/her own yet, he/she is pretty much made. Now we just have to work on getting bigger. Can you imagine diapering a 2 inch baby? Guess it's a good thing they grow a bit before that.

After the celebration of feeling so well last week I ended up spending the whole weekend sick in bed. Little bit of a downer, but at least there are some good days in there now. I was so proud of myself for making it through MOPS* this week until I was surrounded by a group of 3 year olds with really nasty runny noses...I found another trigger for nausea. As I was throwing a box of tissues at them I realized I needed to work on that maternal instinct thing.

*Mothers Of Preschoolers is a church group for moms...I watch the 3 year old class a couple times a month.


Almost Normal
Today was good! I didn't get sick and managed to work out. I've been slowly working vegetables back into my meals (they didn't sit well before) and they haven't made me sick. I even managed to get some decent sleep the last couple nights, with the help of some baby-safe drugs. Life sure does look different when you're not tired.

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