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Where's My Time Out?
I've decided Moms need time outs too...and we don't seem to get them! This has been a very trying week and while Philip has been understanding, Josiah has not. Hermie has decided to mix up trimesters and has made me pretty sick these last couple weeks and I've got some cold/sore throat/cough that's made me feel horrible. I've been trying to come up with ways to play with him that allow me to stay very still. He's taken quite a few baths and I introduced play dough (he doesn't really understand what to do with it yet, but it's interesting). I'm feeling a little better tonight and really hoping I actually get to sleep tonight (Hermie likes hourly bathroom breaks, all around the clock).

The tree is up and Josiah loves it. He's pretty good about leaving the ornaments alone, but they overwhelm him occasionally. He calls them 'bubbles' and wakes up in the morning clutching his blanket and asking for his bubbles to be turned on. He seems to like the other decorations and got terribly excited when I filled a little glass house with 'bubbles.' The house has always been off limits, but he tried to carry it around the house all day when I first filled it. It's much too heavy for him and was funny to watch.

Better wrap this up. Philip and I are working on projects and presents around here and the time crunch is really starting to set in. My being sick is slowing everything down, so when Josiah goes down Philip starts working and I try to and usually end up in bed instead. We're also planning a first annual neighborhood open house so I've been baking cookies and freezing them every few nights. Guess I better get to work while Hermie lets me.


We got to hear Hermie's heartbeat yesterday and everything looks good. It took a couple minutes to find the heartbeat and I thought mine might stop while we were waiting. It seems this little one is quite a mover too (Josiah kept them running after him at every visit). The 'official' due date is June 12th. We also found out we'll be able to stay with this practice and avoid the doctor who delivered Josiah, which was a big answer to prayer. I've got to schedule a bunch of blood tests here next week for normal screenings and other than that we won't hear anything else until after the holidays when we have the next appointment.

Philip and I are having a movie date tonight after Josiah goes to bed and will be enjoying our 'we got through the 1st trimester' blizzards. I requested we do this at the end of each trimester. Yum!


2nd Trimester
We made it! We've hit the 2nd trimester mark and the funky tummy stuff should be coming to an end soon. It's still never been as bad as it was with Josiah, but that doesn't mean it's been fun and I'm looking forward to being a little more normal. I don't suppose the hunger thing will get much better, but at least I'll be able to eat more of my fruits and veggies again. I feel so hungry all the time, but since I'm pretty sure there's just one kiddo in there I figure I better not eat as often as my stomach seems to want to. The first appointment is tomorrow and we're looking forward to hearing the heartbeat and getting the 'official' due date. From what I read online, Hermie can now respond to stimuli and is peeing...I really think she got that down quite a while ago.

Josiah had his well baby visit today and got an MMR and DPT shot. He's 24 lbs and 31.5 inches long and exactly 50% on all the charts. I hear all the time how big he looks, which makes me worry that maybe he's gaining too fast. Maybe it's just the cloth diapers that make him look chunky. We've been using disposables the last week because my stomach was a little rough and the antibiotics were making him a little runny...not a good combo. Boy, I've been spoiled. I like the cloth, but it sure was nice to just throw it all away and be done with it. I passed on the flu and chicken pox vaccines. Doc said there's no correlation between one family member having a reaction to a flu shot and another having the same, but it still scares me after Mimi's guillon beret. And I'm still holding out hope we'll find a kid with real chicken pox and just get the immunity the old fashioned way. I did mention to Dr. Young that his urine was really strong and he said he wanted a sample to run some tests on. I tried to stay calm, but I was already imaging how I was going to get a urine sample from a 15 month old. I had deduced that this was a job for Daddy when the nurse brought in little sample bags that just stick right on him in his diaper! Wow, what a relief!

Josiah and I went shopping yesterday and I goofed up and got to Sams an hour before it opened so we had a long time to waste in Walmart. Seeing as I only needed a couple things there, we quickly ran out of things to do and started roaming. We spent a while in front of the wide screens watching Ratatouille (he's never paid attention to a show that long) and ended up in the cafe part eating donuts. He got to sit in a booth and seemed to feel very big. We had a good time and I think I'll remember that goofy donut-filled smile for a while.

We started putting up the Christmas tree tonight because Josiah has been ohhing and ahhing at the one in Walmart every time we go shopping. However he seemed much more interested in the pole without any branches than he did when we started assembling the thing. I think we could have just wrapped some lights around the green pole and he would have been totally happy! However, Dad was not satisfied with that so it's up and partially lighted so far. We'll soon get to see if we can keep any ornaments on it. He did really well at a friends' house today so I'm hoping that means he'll leave ours alone too.

Let's see, I guess I should wrap up with some new favorites. He's entered the picky food stage, but lasagna, gold fish and smoothies always go over well. He still loves his books and is just learning how to play with legos. He still loves his shoes and coat. Sheep are cool right now, stuffed or real. Actually, any large animal is a 'ba ba' as he calls them. He gets very excited at the idea of coloring, but doesn't really seem to enjoy doing it long and he loves to help out around the house. His chores include closing the pantry, dishwasher and dryer doors, unloading the dryer, turning on and off the lights and picking up his blocks. Something tells me he won't always get so excited when I tell him it's time to help with laundry.


Thanksgiving Hijack
Well, Kim, Josiah, and I are all in Illinois visiting my family. I thought I would take a minute to "boast in the Lord." I have been sooo blessed with the family I have be given. I am pretty sure I would fail at any attempt to put my thanks into words.

But.... That has never stopped me before. :-) However, for everyone's sake, I won't write that set of novels here. I would, however, like to let you know what we have been up to on this Thanksgiving Day. Josiah has been having a blast playing with his cousins. They have also had a great time playing with him. This is a good thing! It is really nice having others to help entertain him, and it has been a lot of fun watching them interact. The whole family has enjoyed having Josiah repeat words after them. To his credit, he does a surprisingly good job of doing it. He also impressed everyone with his "Please" and "Thank you," even if they are prompted most of the time.

Kim and I help cook dinner. Well, okay, she helped cook dinner and I cooked really really really good-to-you, bad-for-you pies. We decided they won't kill us once a year. Time will tell. :-) As usual, we had enough food to feed a small country. All of it was wonderful and the fellowship around the table was very enjoyable. This is, of course, what family dinners are for, is it not? Then again, talking has never been difficult for anyone in my family. Go figure.

We haven't decided if we are going to try and do any shopping tomorrow. I will probably make it out, but closer to 9am than 4am. There is just nothing I need that bad! (At least not this year) Well, Josiah is now asleep and I think the rest of us are thinking he has the right idea. I hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as ours. We have all been so blessed; let’s remember to tell our Dad thanks!!


It's been a rough few days around here. Josiah started the week cranky and it's gone downhill from there. When his fever got above 100 Tuesday we headed to the doc who found an ear infection and a cold. Josiah seemed pretty wiped out when he went down for bed, but that only lasted until about 2am when he woke up and couldn't go back to sleep the rest of the night. We were both pretty out of it Wednesday but I was holding out hope that the antibiotics would make him feel better by afternoon...which didn't happen.

Thankfully he slept pretty well last night because today wasn't any better and we were back in the doctor's office. This time we found tonsillitis which must have been caused by a virus since he's already on an antibiotic so there's just not much we can do except keep him away from other kids. I'd already missed bible study, AWANA and a dinner date this week because he's been sick so when I found out I wasn't going to make it to the play date tomorrow I had a pity party. It's my turn to drop Josiah off and get a couple hours alone, which I obviously had to forfeit. By the time Philip came home I was crying while I got dinner ready (not exactly how I like to greet him). Being the amazing hubby he is, he's going to take a few hours of sick leave tomorrow morning and watch Josiah so I can still get out of here for a little while. Thank you!

We've been spending so much time at the doctor's lately that I really think they should have a program where we just drop the kids off and they call us when they're healthy. It seems like it would just save a lot of time scheduling appointments.

On the plus side, times like this show us how great our church family is. The Freitags brought dinner last night and we've had friends calling to check on us and see what they could do. I suppose this will make us more grateful for all the blessings we usually take for granted.


Josiah's vocabulary and comprehension seems to be exploding right now. It's so neat to see what he learns every day. So far he can say...

Bebe (baby), Dish (fish), Ractor (tractor), Bompa, Mimi, Bye bye, Bock (block), Bir (bird), Ba (ball), Baba (sheep), weegle (wiggle), uh oh

He also says versions of Jesus, golf ball, okey dokey, blanket and yes, but I have no idea how to spell them. And of course we have the old stand byes, Dada (and occasionally Daddy), bu (book), and Mama (but only when he wants something or is hurt).

He can point to a lot of things in his books if you ask him where they are and he's started nodding for yes. Thankfully he hasn't learned to say 'no' yet. It's crazy to think that only about a month ago he didn't seem to understand most of what we were saying.

He still loves his shoes and is quite fond of his coat (good thing up here). If I forget to take it off of him before I leave him in the nursery at church he refuses to let them take it off. The poor kid gets terribly hot, but he seems happy.

We seem to be on a 'bebe' kick lately. He likes pointing out every baby around and carrying his baby Jesus from the manger scene all around the house. Unfortunately, he considers everyone shorter than Mom and Dad to be babies, so he's insulted a few of the 'big boys' who are a year or two older than him by chasing them and yelling 'bebe!' When I point to my tummy and say baby he keeps looking at me like I'm losing it. Guess we have to keep working on that one.


Video Library
Philip has been busy lately and has a bunch of short videos ready to post, so here we go...

This is how we announced the new baby to his parents. Mom's powers of observation are truly legendary!

The others are just some fun we've had around the house. Josiah loves being thrown on the couch, hiding in the pantry, tap dancing, helping out in the yard, and taking 'little' bites of Dad's twinkie.

Hermie acted up a bit this weekend, but is treating me better today. The bad smells this time seem to be peanut butter and potato casserole, but meat hasn't really bothered me yet. The twerp does keep me up going to the bathroom most the night, but I suppose there are worse things. She officially has joints this week and will get earlobes very soon!


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